Sunday Service 19 April 2020


Welcome to our online worship. We went ‘live’ but are sharing some worship and a message for today for those who couldn’t join us at 09h00. We would encourage you to find a time and a place to set aside for your worship. You can do it alone or if you are secluded with others, ask them to join in.

Although we are not all in one physical place, it is wonderful that we can still sing these songs together throughout the day.


Megan prays for us.

Update on events and opportunities to get involved

Francis fills us in.

Robyn encourages us to reach out.


Lynne shares the Scripture – Philippians 2:1-11

Wayne shares the word and closes in prayer. Wayne’s sermon is in two parts this week, since it was too long to upload to a single clip! (Note how Gatsby enjoyed the whole service – he didn’t move 😀).

Thank you for joining us today.





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